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Video Content Budget Calculator

To help you determine your ideal video content budget, we’ve created this calculator. This tool allows you to receive a personalized video content budget recommendation based on your business’s revenue.

How to Use This Calculator

Our Video Content Budget Calculator is designed to help you determine the ideal investment for your video marketing efforts. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Enter Your Annual Revenue: Input your business's annual revenue in the provided field.

  2. Enter Annual Marketing Budget (Optional): If you already know your marketing budget, enter it here. If you are currently unsure of your marketing budget, leave this blank. 

  3. Click Calculate: Press the "Calculate" button to generate your suggested budget breakdown.

  4. Review Your Results: The calculator will display:

    • Total Marketing Budget: Range for overall marketing spend.

    • Video Content Creation Budget: How much to allocate for video.

    • Production and Distribution Budget: How to break down video budget. "Production" will go to producing the content, while "Distribution" will go to paid ads, social promotion, other channels etc...

  5. Build Your Own Plan: Use our interactive plan builder to build a custom quote tailored specifically to your needs and budget.​


Build your custom plan now using our interactive quote builder, it only takes 5 minutes.

How The Calculator Works

  • For B2C we use 7.5% of the total revenue as a marketing budget

  • For B2B we use 3.75% of the total revenue as a marketing budget.

  • The budget for video content is then 20-40% of the marketing budget.

  • The video content budget will then be split 70% to production costs and 30% to distribution costs, such as paid ads, social promotion, OTT, other media buy etc...

  • These are all conservative figures based on current industry standards and practices.

  • To access our interactive plan builder, click here.



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